French Polynesia destination information

All you need to know before visiting French Polynesia

French Polynesia summary

French Polynesia is a small country with around 272K French Polynesian. Official language is French. French Polynesia uses metric system (kilograms, centimeters, °C). Time zone is from UTC-10:00 to UTC-09:00. Currency used in French Polynesia is Franc (XPF).

🎫 Border Rank #️⃣ 91
🗺️ Passport Rank #️⃣ 75

ATMs in French Polynesia are . Internet speed in French Polynesia is on average 1.9 Mbps.

🏙️ Papeete
🗣️ French
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 272K ☀️ ~25 °C 🌧 ~127 mm 👍 Developing 🚩 4k km2 (2k mi²)
🎫 Visa Exemption
🗺️ Passport Strength
🏥 Health regulation
🛃 Customs rules
🏛️ Embassies


Socket 🔌

Languages 🗣️

  • French


Currency 💱

1 XPF = 1.1 USD

French Polynesia uses the CFP franc (symbol: Fr), code XPF.Banknotes come in denominations of 10000, 5000, 1000 and 500 francs. Franc is subdivided into 100 centimes. Coins come in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 francs.

ATM 🏧🏦

Tipping 💁🏽

Card 💳


Mobile Phone 📱

Roaming 🌐

Emergency Calls 🚨

Universal :


Police :


Ambulance :


Fire department :


Calling ☎️


To call French Polynesia, dial +, then 689 (the country code for French Polynesia), then the area code and the local number.


international: + 689 1234567
calling local: 1234567

Internet connection

Internet Speed 💯

Internet speed in French Polynesia is on average 1.9 Mbps.

Wifi 📡

WiFi coverage in French Polynesia is low. It is not as easy to find one.

SIM Card #️⃣


Rules 🚗

Limits 🚦


Temperature 🌡️

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Rainfall ☔

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Countries nearby French Polynesia

More on French Polynesia travel and visa information

All the informations you need to schedule your trip to French Polynesia.


Visa Exemption

Check who can come to French Polynesia without visa requirement.


Passport Strength

Check countries nationals of French Polynesia can visit without visa.


Health regulation

Want to visit French Polynesia ? Check health regulation !


Customs rules

Want to visit French Polynesia ? Check customs regulation !


LGBT Destination info

Check if French Polynesia is LGBT friendly for travel.


French Polynesian embassies

Check list of French Polynesia embassies around the globe !